Presentation Centre
About this space
This expansive meeting space can accommodate up to 156 guests. Anodized aluminum garage doors open up to a business lounge for breaks and lunches.
Room rates
Presentation Centre
North & South Combined
Presentation Centre
Presentation Centre
Unique Features
Wi-Fi and technology
High-speed Wireless Internet access in all rooms
Built-in audio-visual equipment
Teleconferencing facilities
Electrical outlets to support laptop usage
On-site technical support
Hoteling stations
Our guests can take advantage of 6 complimentary open concept hoteling stations. They are conveniently located throughout the facility and equipped with telephones, charging ports and Internet connectivity.
Corporate Event Centre at CHSI offers guests ample complimentary parking with approximately 500 available spots surrounding the facility. We are also easily accessible by transit.
Mail room and printing services
Whether you require photocopying, fax, or a courier, we can meet your needs with our full business services. Printing and mail distribution facilities are available on-site.
Accommodation partners
In order to provide the best service and experience to our clients, Corporate Event Centre has partnered with the following neighbouring hotels:

Please email for exclusive Corporate Event Centre preferred rates.